When attorney Jason Whiting left an existing practice to create his own firm in 2023, he needed an agency partner to develop the branding and coordinate the marketing from the ground up.
The Wallace360 team created a sophisticated new logo, established a visual identity and captured the heart of Jason’s straight-forward approach in a website, digital ad collection, and billboard design that was careful to distinguish him from other firms. Within a matter of months he was up and running with a digital presence optimized for capturing leads, and a full suite of stationery, branded items, and signage. Technical SEO, digital advertising and local SEO efforts were established to capture critical search traffic amid an extremely competitive digital landscape and improve search results. A billboard campaign with a carefully crafted location strategy was created to drive awareness in key market areas. Wallace360 guided the new brand while monitoring key search and digital metrics to evaluate and optimize each marketing tactic.
Not only did Wallace360 deliver branding building blocks needed for a successful business, Wallace360’s efficient, integrated effort quickly established Whiting Injury Law as a notable market player. Jason was operational and began marketing and driving new client leads within a matter of months, maintaining valuable momentum at a critical time. As the firm matures, ongoing marketing efforts will continue to supply a steady stream of client leads and grow its presence regionally.